Tayside Diabetes Managed Clinical Network Groups

Network Board

The Tayside Diabetes Managed Clinical Network Board is charged by NHS Tayside Board with the responsibility of providing the strategic lead for diabetes services across NHS Tayside, for setting service development objectives and for assuring the clinical and operational governance of the NHS T ayside Diabetes Service, including the provision of agreed standards of service across the Tayside Diabetes Network. Its membership includes broad representation from Primary Care, including all three Community Health Partnerships, Secondary Care, Diabetes Specialist Nursing, Allied Health Professionals, Public Health Medicine, Health Service Management and service users.
The Group reports to the Chief Executive of NHS Tayside Board. It has joint Chairs from Primary and Secondary Care who are the responsible officers for diabetes services in Tayside, reporting to the Medical Director and Chief Executive of NHS Tayside, who have ultimate responsibility for the delivery of such services. The co-chairs are responsible for analysis of any critical or significant event occurring within the service provided by the Network brought to their attention by the Data Governance Sub-Group or other parties and, if required, would report this to the Clinical Governance Committees of NHS Tayside Board or its Operating Divisions. The Network Board meets quarterly.

Chair - Professor Graham Leese


Network Implementation Group

Tayside Diabetes Network Implementation Group is charged with providing clinical and managerial leadership for the Tayside Diabetes Network, with assuring the implementation and monitoring of services in line with NHS QIS Diabetes Standards and the implementation of agreed strategic developments, and with assuring the smooth day-to-day running of the Network, including specific responsibility for IT provision. The Network Implementation Group is accountable to the co-chairs of Tayside Diabetes Strategic Advisory Group

Chair - Professor Graham Leese


Patient Council

To ensure that the views of people with diabetes and carers of people with diabetes are heard and influence the decisions and work of the Tayside Diabetes MCN

Chair - Mr. Stuart Anderson 


Foot Sub-Group

The Foot Sub-Group is responsible for developing specialist foot care services across Tayside. The Group ensures the service guidelines are current and keeping pace with research and also coordinates the Bi-ennial Foot Care Conference

Chair - Joanna Donaldson


Retinopathy Sub-Group

The Retinopathy Sub-Group is responsible for the Tayside Retinal Screening Programme

Chair - Prof. Graham Leese 


Type 1 Sub-Group

Provide a multidisciplinary forum across services to ensure an integrated approach to care.  Develop and progress action plans to ensure recommendations set out in national and local strategies and guidelines are implemented.  Investigate and evaluate areas of good practice across both local services and in other areas.

Chair - Dr Iqbal Malik



In-Patient Sub-Group

To coordinate and oversee a range of initiatives to improve the care of all people with diabetes admitted to hospital.

Chair - Dr Pavan Bangalore


Data Governance Sub-Group

The Data Governance Sub-Group is responsible for the security, quality assurance, appropriate reporting and audit of all clinical data within the Tayside SCI-DC database, and for the support of clinicians in the analysis, interpretation of and response to such data.



Information Sub-Group

The Information Sub-Group is responsible for the maintenance and up dating of the Tayside Diabetes Handbook, Patient Information Leaflets, Network Drug Formulary and the content of the Tayside Diabetes Network web-site.